Getting authentication with hubot using

2014-02-19 17:07:03 +0000

.kitchen.local.yml and when you want to use it

2014-02-17 21:32:20 +0000

docker packer VM oh my

2014-02-13 18:17:09 +0000

chef handler why did it take a year for me to use you

2014-02-07 21:24:54 +0000

ResourceNotFound and splunk> fun...gotta love that error

2014-02-03 22:18:51 +0000

boxen is neat but man chef-solo was so much easier

2014-01-25 06:24:28 +0000

A chef error that has haunted me

2014-01-20 21:42:33 +0000

Because googling failed me for yes or no bash scripting

2014-01-18 20:01:51 +0000

Customizing Boxen

2014-01-01 19:27:20 +0000

Adventures with boxen

2013-12-31 15:54:00 +0000

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