Setting up basic prow on the IBM Cloud


This will tell walk you through specifics on getting prow working on the IBM Cloud. A lot of this is taken from the getting started but there are some specifics you need for the IBM Cloud. You can also take this as an example for a generic Kubernetes Cluster minus the IBM Cloud commands.

Create a Bot

The first thing you should do is create a GitHub bot. It’ll be the account that will work from your prow instance. If you don’t know how to create another account use this signup page.

Be sure to add the bot to the repositories you expect it to watch, it should be an administrator/owner, to make sure it can see and do what it needs with the repository. Next create an GitHub Personal Access Token for the bot.

For permissions add the following: Create a personal access token for the GitHub bot account, adding the following scopes

  • Must have the public_repo and repo:status scopes
  • Add the repo scope if you plan on handing private repos
  • Add the admin:org_hook scope if you plan on handling a github org

Place this API key in a file like github_token or the like.

Check out the prow code

Next you need the prow code so you can install it on your Kubernetes Cluster. Go ahead and checkout the code with the following command.

git clone

Change directory into the test-infra directory you created, and continue to the next step.

Create cluster role bindings

You’ll need to create a clusterrolebinding for your user you log in as. On the IBM Cloud, your username is IAM@IBMid as an example below is mine.

export USER=""
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding-${USER} --clusterrole cluster-admin --user="${USER}"

This will make sure that when you apply the manifests the prow instance can create all the different things that is required on your Kubernetes cluster.

Create a GitHub Secret

Next you need ot cerate your secrets for your instance of prow. Using the following commands you can create your main secret to send the Webhook endpoint. Use the github_token you created earlier for the 3rd command.

openssl rand -hex 20 > ./secret
kubectl create secret generic hmac-token --from-file=hmac=./secret
kubectl create secret generic oauth-token --from-file=oauth=../github_token

Apply starter.yaml

Now that you have the majority set up, you need to deploy the actual manifests for prow. The following command will push and start installing your instance.

kubectl apply -f config/prow/cluster/starter.yaml

Now verify the deployments, everything should be in READY state and AVAILABLE.

kubectl get deployments
deck               2/2     2            2           2m
hook               2/2     2            2           2m
horologium         1/1     1            1           2m
plank              1/1     1            1           2m
sinker             1/1     1            1           2m
statusreconciler   1/1     1            1           2m
tide               1/1     1            1           2m

Setting up Ingress correctly

Verify the ingress is set up via this next command. The default ingress controller needs some editing, but to make sure that it is “up” the following command will verify it.

kubectl get ingress ing

If everything looks OK, you can now move to change the ingress via the next specific to IBM Cloud steps. Using the IBM cloud you get an ingress controller for free. Run the following command to get the needed information, where is the name of your cluster:

$ ibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster
Retrieving cluster

ID:                             brfakb8d0dlm8ddhq91g
State:                          normal
Created:                        2020-06-08T21:15:21+0000
Location:                       dal13
Master URL:           
Public Service Endpoint URL:
Private Service Endpoint URL:   -
Master Location:                Dallas
Master Status:                  Ready (1 day ago)
Master State:                   deployed
Master Health:                  normal
Ingress Subdomain:    
Ingress Secret:                 k8sasgharlabsio-706821-0e3eA_REALLY_REALLY_FAKE_SECRETf33bfc4-0000
Ingress Status:                 healthy
Ingress Message:                All Ingress components are healthy
Workers:                        3
Worker Zones:                   dal13
Version:                        1.18.3_1514
Monitoring Dashboard:           -
Resource Group ID:              5eb57fd577b64b51beb832c2e9d5287a
Resource Group Name:            Default

Take note of your Ingress Subdomain and Ingress Secret` for the next step.

Updating Ingress to work

Go ahead and take the following yaml and change it for your subdomain and change the prow to something else if you desire.

kind: Ingress
  namespace: default
  name: ing
  - hosts:
    secretName: k8sasgharlabsio-706821-0e3eA_REALLY_REALLY_FAKE_SECRETf33bfc4-0000
  - host:
      - path: /hook
          serviceName: hook
          servicePort: 8888
      - path: /
          serviceName: deck
          servicePort: 80


Go to that address in a web browser and verify that the “echo-test” job has a green check-mark next to it. At this point you have a prow cluster that is ready to start receiving GitHub events!