Makefiles, yep
I came across this post and relearned about Makefiles
. I had completely
forgotten how awesome they are, and that I should be using them more. I’ve created
a template hear inspired from the post that if anything might help me in the future.
# This is the default action, it's always the first target
# .PHONY <target> at the end of the build step. Common phony targets
# are: clean, install, run,...
# Otherwise, if somebody creates an install directory, make will
# silently fail, because the build target already exists.
.PHONY: help print
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
dress: trousers shoes jacket ## The main goal of this Makefile
@echo "All done. Let's go outside!"
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
jacket: pullover ## Gotta put on the jacket
@echo "Putting on jacket."
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
pullover: shirt ## Putting on the pullover
@echo "Putting on pullover."
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
shirt: ## A shirt is the begining of top half of the body
@echo "Putting on shirt."
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
trousers: underpants ## Trousers are important for outside
@echo "Putting on trousers."
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
underpants: ## You need underwear on
@echo "Putting on underpants."
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
shoes: socks ## Shoes are important outside
@echo "Putting on shoes."
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
socks: pullover ## Blisters suck, these help stop those
@echo "Putting on socks."
# make target: <dependancies> ## comment for the self documenting
print: ## Output the Makefile, demo more then just @echo
@cat Makefile
# If you want to have it at the bottom of the file:
# .DEFAULT_GOAL := help