Recently there has been a question about dealing with multiple VMware vCenters and our Chef plugins. Unlike AWS or AZURE, vCenter is (normally) deployed per Datacenter to allow for local control over your vSphere infrastructure.

(Yes, yes, I know you can make a super set vCenter instance, but more people I talk to, it’s just easier to connect to the DC you want to administer.)

Unfortunately, as you start using knife-vsphere or knife-vrealize you may need to flip back and forth between DCs. There are plugins like knife-block, which I have even used in the past, but some places don’t allow for extra plugins. This is a suggested way to do it purely through Ruby, Chef and your Shell.

First thing first, you need to edit your knife.rb to allow for the ability to switch, take this fake example:

knife[:ssh_user] = "root"
knife[:vsphere_insecure] = true
knife[:vsphere_host] = ""
knife[:vsphere_dc] = "Datacenter"
knife[:vsphere_user] = "administrator@vsphere.local"

if ENV['DC'] == 'EAST'
  knife[:vsphere_host] = ""
  knife[:vsphere_dc] = "Datacenter"

if ENV['DC'] == 'WEST'
  knife[:vsphere_host] = ""
  knife[:vsphere_dc] = "Datacenter"

Now most of this should make some sense. You can pretty much assume I have 3 Datacenters, central east and west. My default datacenter, the one I connect to most of the time is central.

Now, lets say I did a knife vsphere vm list:

14:16:20 JJs-MacBook-Pro ~ > knife vsphere vm list
	VM Name: jenkins
		RAM: 4096
		State: off

[-- snip --]

	VM Name: pfsense
		RAM: 4024
		State: on

So I connect out to centerals vCenter instance, and get back by Default information.

Ok, but my boss wants to see what’s in my east datacenter. This is where Environment variables come into play. With the changes to the knife.rb above, you can “flip” with just giving the Shell command an override.

Take for instance for east:

14:20:20 JJs-MacBook-Pro ~ > DC=EAST knife vsphere vm list
		RAM: 8096
		State: on

[-- snip --]

	VM Name: QuakeIIServer
		RAM: 4024
		State: on

or in the case of west:

14:23:20 JJs-MacBook-Pro ~ > DC=WEST knife vsphere vm list
		RAM: 8096
		State: on

[-- snip --]

	VM Name: TF2
		RAM: 4024
		State: on

Notice the DC=EAST and DC=WEST, which “flips” the location of the command endpoint. Just to be clear, this works with any of the knife commands, vm clone etc, so you can change it via an option instead of editing/copying knife.rbs!