chef handler why did it take a year for me to use you
Something that I never seemed to grok was chef handlers. I read that site like 50 times, got the jist, but never fully understood them.
Then I learned it in a nutshell: you know when you run chef-client
or chef-solo
and that error that pops up? A handler can export it to another location so you can have a centralized stream of information.
This isn’t just limited to error reporting, you can report a bunch of stuff, but errors are something that admins should visualize ASAP.
This is AMAZINGLY useful if you have more than a couple nodes. Lets say you have 100-200ish nodes (like me) and you decided that you wanted to run knife ssh 'chef_environment:staging' 'sudo chef-client'
Awesome, so it kicks off, you have a few changes but you had a typo in your role[db_slave]
. Well, if you’ve ever used knife ssh
before you’ll know that it streams everything real-time
and you’ll probably miss the nasty red text that says you have an error. If you have your handler; it takes it says “Hey error here, lets push it up to [email|campfire|growl|hipchat|etc]” and boom everyone knows that
there’s a problem with the converge. If you are lucky enough to have a regular checkin with the chef-server you’ll get the error pop up each run till you have it fixed. Annoying yes, but it makes sure you have all you machines
in a good state.
If this has peaked your interest, there is a cookbook called chef_handler that does most if not all of your heavy lifting. It leverages an LWRP that needs to be close if not the first in your run_list
Here’s an example for chef-handler-mail:
chef_gem "chef-handler-mail"
gem "chef-handler-mail"
chef_handler "MailHandler" do
source 'chef/handler/mail'
arguments :to_address => "root"
action :nothing
As you can see it’s pretty straight forward.
My company uses campfire and there’s a chef-handler-campfire gem for it. The LWRP stanza that you put in your recipe requires something to this effect, I put this in the first main internal recipe:
include_recipe 'chef_handler'
chef_gem "chef-handler-campfire" do
action :install
chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::Campfire' do
action :enable
arguments [ 'SUBDOMAIN', 'TOKEN' , 'ROOM' ]
source File.join(Gem.all_load_paths.grep(/chef-handler-campfire/).first,
'chef', 'handler', 'campfire.rb')
Note: Unfortunately the newest tinder requires json ~> '1.8.0'
and chef 11.8.2
requires json ~> '1.7.7'
. Last night (2014-02-06) chef released 11.10 which fixes this, the embedded chef binary now uses 1.8.0. I have a PR to fix up the README.
There’s a lot more to handlers, but for now this is huge win for me, I’ll post more as I start learning the reporting side of it.