I have a few docker containers that I push to the public Docker hub. I was going to set up a Jenkins job to do it for me, but thought instead I could use Travis CI. These are the steps I’ve taken from two posts, ops.tips and mobileforgood to make work in my IBM container Repositories.

Note: The following examples are taken from this repository.

Thanks to these two for the direction, and hopefully this will help someone in the future.

First thing first, I needed to install the travis gem.

gem install travis

After that, go ahead and do a login using the following command in the repository you want to publish:

~/repo/ibm-cloud-cli on master± travis login --auto
Successfully logged in as jjasghar!

Then if you don’t already have a .travis.yml do a travis init:

~/repo/ibm-cloud-cli on master± travis init
Detected repository as jjasghar/ibm-cloud-cli, is this correct? |yes|
Main programming language used: |Ruby|
.travis.yml file created!
jjasghar/ibm-cloud-cli: enabled :)

The most important line is the enabled :) this is one step you don’t have to click inside Github, and it just does it for you. If you have a .travis.yml you can skip this. It seems it defaults to Ruby here I opened it up immediately and removed everything in the file, and pasted in the following:

Note: it is inspired from the https://ops.tips:

sudo: 'required'

  - 'docker'

  - './.travis/main.sh'

  - 'make test'
  - 'make image'

# use `travis env set DOCKER_USERNAME ...`
# use `travis env set DOCKER_PASSWORD ...`
  provider: script
  script: docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD && make push-image
    branch: master

Then created a directory called .travis and made a file called main.sh and chmod +x the file with the following script:


set -o errexit

main() {

  echo "SUCCESS:
  Done! Finished setting up Travis machine.

setup_dependencies() {
  echo "INFO:
  Setting up dependencies.

  sudo apt update -y
  sudo apt install --only-upgrade docker-ce -y
  docker info

update_docker_configuration() {
  echo "INFO:
  Updating docker configuration

  echo '{
  "experimental": true,
  "storage-driver": "overlay2",
  "max-concurrent-downloads": 50,
  "max-concurrent-uploads": 50
}' | sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json
  sudo service docker restart


And finally created a Makefile with the following:

IMAGE := jjasghar/ibm-cloud-cli
VERSION:= $(shell grep IBM_CLOUD_CLI Dockerfile | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '=' -f 2)


	docker build -t ${IMAGE}:${VERSION} .
	docker tag ${IMAGE}:${VERSION} ${IMAGE}:latest

	docker push ${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
	docker push ${IMAGE}:latest

.PHONY: image push-image test

As you can see it’s pretty straight forward. I pull the version from the Dockerfile and create two tags and push them to the hub if needed.

From now on I’ll have to update the VERSION in the Dockerfile but that’s ok, it’s a good practice to know what your versions are. It will only push when you merge the PR due to the deploy line, which is the power of this whole setup.