So you want to add some authentication to hubot eh? Great, this post should walk you through the majority of it. First thing first, set up, by this that means you need to figure out “HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN”. Assuming you have hubot already connecting to a site, run hubot show users and he should come back with all the people he knows about. Grab the id number for the person/people you want to have admin rights.

Add HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN="<number>,<nextnumber>" to the bin/hubot or however you add variables to him, go ahead and restart hubot to see if he now thinks you’re and admin.

If all goes well, you should see something like this:

Hubot> Hubot what role does shell have
Hubot> Shell: shell has the following roles:  and is also an admin.

Great! Lets give shell our first role. I’m going to hack the as the example, so lets give our user the first role:

Hubot> Hubot what role does shell have
Hubot> Shell: shell has the following roles:  and is also an admin.
Hubot> Hubot shell has ping role
Hubot> Shell: Ok, shell has the 'ping' role.
Hubot> Hubot what role does shell have
Hubot> Shell: shell has the following roles: ping and is also an admin.

As you can see shell only has the admin role like expected. Then I gave shell the ping role, and checked it. Great. Ok, lets remove ping for now, so we can change the, to fail for us.

Hubot> Hubot shell doesn't have ping role
Hubot> Shell: Ok, shell doesn't have the 'ping' role.
Hubot> Hubot what role does shell have
Hubot> Shell: shell has the following roles:  and is also an admin.

Go ahead into your scripts/ directory, and open up your Take a look at the following snippet:

module.exports = (robot) ->
  robot.respond /PING$/i, (msg) ->
    msg.send "PONG"

Pretty straight forward eh? Go ahead and tack on this:

module.exports = (robot) ->
  robot.respond /PING$/i, (msg) ->
    if robot.auth.hasRole(msg.envelope.user, "ping")
      msg.send "PONG"
     msg.send "Sorry you can't ask me to PONG"

Note: a quick explanation, if hubot responds to “ping” case insensitive, it’ll respond with the “PONG” only if you have the role of ping.

Go and ahead and restart hubot, and say PING. :)

Hubot> hubot PING
Hubot> Sorry you can't ask me to PONG


Ok, next step, lets give ourselves access to make this happen:

Hubot> Hubot shell has ping role
Hubot> Shell: Ok, shell has the 'ping' role.
Hubot> hubot PING
Hubot> PONG


So, we now can wrap certain hubot scripts for certain people. But there’s a disappointing portion of this; in order to enforce the commands you’ll need to have the scripts with robot.auth.hasRole(msg.envelope.user, "<role>"), this means you’ll have to fork the script you want to leverage and dump it in your scripts/ directory, and removed from your hubot-scripts.json and external-scripts.json.

This will probably get annoying as the scripts get updated and new features are added, but until I figure out a better way I think we’re stuck here.